Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A story from the paper

Di suatu siang waktu gw bongkar arsip, gw nemuin sebuah kertas berjudul WRITING setelah gw baca gw baru inget ini tulisan gw waktu SMA,

EHEM !! i know the world is not small, many things in the world. but should i change my opinion about the world, there is not so simple, its hard to get another heart, i'm still hoping to you i can't. i'm holding on my love forever, because that can be the best i ever have
i wonder if i fail, i dont know, i cant fight the destiny, the way which i through is so far, even the destiny call me, but i'm still go to the right way, the god is only my purpose, when i see the people, i'm asking to myself, what does they want? i dont know
bla bla bla...

Tau gak apa maksudnya tulisan gw itu?? terus terang.....GW LUPA...sumpaahhh, what the damn i write when i was senior high school !!!!! emang bahasanya rada aneh n rada rada gak nyambung maksudnya apa, tapi beneran itu gw yang nulis tulisannya juga tulisan gw, mungkin waktu itu gw lagi berimajinasi about sesuatu,

so kasih comment di blog ini kalo kira-kira tau apa maksud tulisan gw ituh!!!!

FYI, Di kertas itu tertulis APRIL 2001 (wew, its 6 year ago...)